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Whats the advantage of unpasturized fermented foods?


Unpasteurised fermented foods have been part of the human diet through all time. Our bodies rely on an active and dynamic microbiome that is continually replenished through our diet.  In modern times pasturisation has become standard, which means we lack access to the naturally beneficial micro-organisms that occur in fermented foods.  Our fermented products are never pasteurised, keeping intact the lactic-acid-producing bacteria which repopulates gut flora, aiding in digestion.



Are your products prepared using organic ingredients?


Yes. We take special care to select the best quality produce, free from industrial pesticides and herbicides. We believe that organically grown produce is not only better for our personal health, but better for the health of our bio-sphere. By supporting organic growers we are supporting the development of a more sustainable food system for now and for future generations.



What quality of water is used for the drinks and sprouted products?


We only use spring water or filtered rain water for our products. Water is life. In order to thrive living foods require high quality water, free from chlorination, fluoridation and other contaminants. Good water tastes better too!



Do you use any plastics during the preparation or fermentation stages?


No. All our products are fermented in either glazed ceramic crocks or oak barrels. Our Sauerkrauts and Kim chi are shredded by hand using traditional wooden instruments and stainless steel blades. Our Miso ingredients are prepared using traditional equipment.



Why is the miso chunky?

Our Miso is pounded and squeezed by hand, leaving chunks of rice and soybean in the final paste.



Why are there floaties in the drinks?

We use freshly squeezed, real fruit juices which may leave pulp in the final products. Being unpasturised, our living fermented drinks (particularly Kombucha) may grow new mother cultures. Any floaties are good for you!



The Cottage Collective

Copyright - Vital Remedies - 2020



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